Hands holding a lightbulb


When an organisation has made a commitment to working in a certain way, it can be helpful to look at how and where change might be most effective. This involves looking at the strategy the organisation has set for itself and finding evidence and practice examples to illustrate how their objectives can best be met.

Core Expertise

With a track record of looking at strategy devised by local, regional and national authorities, Rebecca is adept at helping organisations to target their work effectively. This might involve identifying groups who would benefit most from a particular change or suggesting ways in which problems could be prevented from arising in the first place.

Mr Wilson's second liners
Mr Wilson’s Second Liners, Stretford Public Hall. Photo: Phil Hyde

Experience: The Greater Manchester Creative Health Strategy

In 2022, Greater Manchester Integrated Care commissioned Rebecca to research and write a creative health strategy for Greater Manchester. You can read the full Greater Manchester Creative Health Strategy here and the executive summary here.

In devising the Greater Manchester Creative Health Strategy, Rebecca looked at the priorities the city region had identified for itself, as well as recommendations made by the Institute for Health Equity and an Independent Inequalities Commission. Greater Manchester had committed to being greener, fairer, more prosperous, which included becoming a creative health city region, and these aims were shared by those responsible for developing the new health and care strategy.

Building on the focus of Creative Health, Rebecca identified key points at which creative health could help to mitigate the social determinants of health and showed how such an approach could make a significant contribution to Greater Manchester becoming a Marmot city region. She also illustrated the alignment of creative health with NHS England’s priorities, including Core20PLUS5, and she demonstrated how creative health supports population health.

Working with those responsible for implementing the strategy, Rebecca helped to build ideas for future work centred on:


  • Leadership
  • Knowledge
  • Evidence
  • Commissioning
  • Workforce Development
  • Communication


The strategy is now in its implementation phase, with Greater Manchester poised to become the first city region in the world to realise the power of creativity, culture and heritage in addressing inequities and improving the health and wellbeing of its residents.

To find out more, or to commission strategy work, please contact strategy[at]rebeccagordon-nesbitt.org

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